member Testimonies

observable/ repeatable/ measurable

Our Programs are designed to challege you and help you achieve whatever goals you may have.  That may be a number on a scale, a size in pants, look in a swim suit, time in a race, or number of weight lifted! .

“The CrossFit Stimulis- constantly varied high intensity functional movement coupled with meat and vegetables, nuts and seed, some fruit, little starch, and no sugar- prepares you for the demands of a healthy, functional, independent life and provided a hedge against chronic disease and incapacity. this stimulus is elegant in the mathematical sense of being marked by simplicity and efficacy. the proven elements of this broad, general , and inclusive fitness, in terms of both movement and nutrition, are what we term our CrossFit Essentials” – CrossFit Inc (Essentials) 

initial weight and measurement asessment

In order for us to measure our success, we must have a starting point.  We will provide you with initial weight and measuring as well as private photo options.  All information is  private and will only be publicaly displayed with prior consent.  Trust us, we want you to be proud of your accomplishments. And when following our proven practices, you will have RESULTS to share! 

Walk In

if your just curious, simply drop in during any of our scheduled class times and feel free to watch and observe how classes are ran. 


If you would like to meet on a 1 on 1 level and talk to a member of our team and get familiar on a personal level, contact us to schedule a meeting. 

Commitment! Effort! Consistency! RESULTs!

Real Work.
  Real Results.

what They’re Saying

Client Testimonials

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